Automated Phone System

The Iroquois Falls Family Health Team would like to inform the public that we have a new automated phone messaging system starting this week.  We hope that this will help our patients better reach our clerical staff in a timely fashion. You will also have the option to leave a message should the clerical staff not be available.  Please be patient, as the clerical staff will return your call within 24 hours.

In order to help you navigate this system please ensure to listen to the message clearly.  Each clerical staff is assigned a number and can be reached directly by pressing this number.

To book an appointment with Dr. Sepehr or to speak to our Office Manager Tina please press one.

To book an appointment with Dr. Chiang’s medical assistant Param please press two to speak to Doris.

To book an appointment with Dr. Bruno-Petrina please press three to speak to Kayla.

To book an appointment with or if you have a question for our nursing staff, dietician, mental health worker or Nurse Practitioners please press four to speak to Courtney.

To speak to Renee, Executive Director please press five.

For all other inquiries, please press zero to speak to our receptionist Julie.

Again, our goal is to better assist our patients in providing the best customer service possible.

Meet the Administration Team